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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

mGui updates

For anybody whos been following the mGui Maya GUI construction kit posts, I've added a few fixes and tweaks to the GitHub project in the last couple of weeks:


The progress module wraps Maya's progressBar command for mGui style coding of progress bars.

There are two classes in the module;  ProgressBar  is the generic version and MainProgressBar always points at Maya's main progress bar.  Both classes have start(), update() and end() methods instead of Maya's clunky cmds.progressBar(name, e=True, beginProgress=1)  and so on.  They also both have an iter method, which will loop over a generator expression and update the progress bar for each yield then pass along the value. This allows simple idioms like:

from mGui.progress import MainProgressBar
import os

def list_files(dir):
    # pretend this is as long, slow function...
    for item in os.listdir(dir):
        yield item

pb = MainProgressBar()
for each_file in pb.iter(list_files()):
    print each_file.upper()
    # here's where you do something with the results

So you can update the progress bar without unduly intertwining the GUI update and the program logic.


The menu_loader module will create menus from a YAML data file.  It does a little bit of introspection to figure out how to create the items and attach their handlers to functions. This makes it easy to set up a menu with several items from a single setup routine.

The menu data is a text-based YAML file that looks like this:

    key:   UndeadLabs
    label: Undead Labs
        - !MMenuItem
            key: About
            label: About Undead Labs...
            annotation: "About this UndeadLabs tool setup"
            command: tools.common.aboutDialog.open

        - !MMenuItem
            key: RemoteDebugger
            label:  Remote Debugger
            annotation: Start / Stop remote python debugger
            command: tools.common.remoteDebug.remote_debugger_dialog

And loading the menu is as simple as:

import mGui.menu_loader as loader


The scriptJobs module adapts the event model for use with scriptJobs. A ScriptJobEvent is a derivative of Event which allows you to hook multiple handlers to a single scriptjob (in the same way that the other Event classes allow for multicast delegates):

from mGui.scriptJobs import *

def print_selected (*args, **kwargs):
    print cmds.ls(sl=True) or []

sj = ScriptJobEvent("e", "SelectionChanged")
sj += print_selected

As with all the mGui Event classes, you can add multiple handlers to  single event:

sj += some_other_function()

The module also includes named subclasses to simplify setup. That way you can do things like:
closing_sj = RecentCommandChanged()
closing_sj += close_handler

which is a bit nicer and less typo prone if you use an autocompleting IDE.

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